Crescent Crown Distributing is committed to promoting the responsible consumption of our suppliers’ products. We understand that the misuse of any alcoholic product is detrimental to individuals and society and dedicate ourselves to spreading alcohol awareness that encourages responsible drinking. It is our belief that by educating on the dangers of over consumption, underage drinking and drinking while driving that we can largely reduce the misuse of our products while responsibly enhancing their demand.
Drinking and Driving
As a distributor of malt beverages, we understand the extreme dangers of drinking and driving. We believe that driving while under the influence of alcohol is completely preventable and therefore we highly prioritize reducing the number of drunk drivers on the roads.
Through partnerships with our suppliers, Crescent Crown Distributing is able to promote transportation alternatives that help legal-age consumers to arrive home safely.

Programs & Campaigns
“Safe Ride” Responsible Drinking Campaign – Crescent Crown Distributing rolled out a drinking and driving prevention campaign – “Safe Ride: Don’t Drink & Drink. Get a Ride.” The campaign, communicated through email and company communication boards, reminding employees of the dangers of drinking and driving. The campaign timeline targets major holidays where drinking is more prevalent and throughout the entire year.
Taxi & UBER/LYFT – “free-ride” employee taxi/ride-share reimbursement program.
Under Age Drinking
Underage drinking is a large issue among youth in the United States. We continually promote the responsible and legal sale and consumption of malt beverage products. We are committed to the proven state-based system of alcohol regulation and support compliance with and enforcement of state and local laws designed to prevent the sale or service of alcohol to minors. As a distributor, we also support retailer training and procedures to help educate those serving licensed beverages on the best way to ensure that their products are being enjoyed responsibly by adults.

Programs & Campaigns
Louisiana Lifeline Law – The Louisiana Lifeline Law provides immunity for some alcohol-related offenses to underage individuals who request medical assistance for someone in need.
Louisiana Responsible Vendor Program – requires mandatory training for all servers of alcohol, which includes techniques to check IDs, information related to how alcohol affects the body in order to identify intoxicated patrons and methods to properly deny sales or service.
Wristbands – In the past year, over $7,000 in wristbands were purchased for use at festivals and parties to ensure consumers were of the appropriate drinking age.
Underage Drinking Prevention Resources
Responsible Consumption
Crescent Crown Distributing is committed to promoting the responsible consumption of our suppliers’ products. We understand that the misuse of any alcoholic product is detrimental to individuals and society and dedicate ourselves to spreading alcohol awareness that encourages responsible drinking. It is our belief that by educating on the dangers of over consumption we can largely reduce the misuse of our products while responsibly enhancing their demand.
At Crescent Crown Distributing, we help reduce the level of over consumption through support of educational and informational programs.
Programs & Campaigns
Point of Sale – In the past year, 10,000 “We ID” stickers were placed out into the market. “We ID” materials are often the first visual seen on cooler doors and at cash registers when consumers purchase licensed beverages. We also sponsor programs to teach retail employees to recognize falsified identification cards.
Drink Limits – Drink tickets and wristbands are given out at supplier & company sponsored events to limit consumption.
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