Sustainability is an…

Environmental Sustainability

At Crescent Crown Louisiana, we love the brands we represent, our industry, our 600+ colleagues, and our community. We are grateful to operate here in south Louisiana representing 59 suppliers and 915 brands across 24,077 square miles. From state line to state line and all parts in between, we service over 8,000 retailers of all shapes and sizes.

Everyone knows that south Louisiana is a great place to work, as well as having some of the finest cuisine, entertainment, and music in the world. We are also keenly aware of the role the environment plays in our little slice of heaven. South Louisiana is one of the largest exporters of seafood in the country, as well as being recognized as a “Sportsman’s Paradise,” so our unique ecology and precious natural resources sustain everything we do. Protecting, preserving, and restoring this fragile yet robust and diverse environment is paramount to maintaining a healthy quality of life and a vibrant culture and economy.

From the Big Easy in New Orleans to the state Capital in Baton Rouge, and from the south in Thibodaux and to the west in Lafayette, each facility and market we operate in comprises numerous communities in touch with each other and mindful of the natural environment that provides us with our rich heritage and culture. We are committed to doing our part to nurture our communities and preserve our environment by conserving energy and reducing our waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

We are proud of the quality and selection of products we offer and deliver to our customers and immensely proud of the important work we are doing to reduce the carbon footprint of the brands we deliver to retail.  We aim to always lead in the industry, enabling our team to thrive and lead in social and environmental sustainability.

We are committed to balancing profit with purpose and are currently undergoing a rigorous assessment of our operations, measuring our greenhouse gas emissions.

Conserving resources in a great place.

For great people, great products and great customers


Our sustainability program flows from our mission and from the foundation of Crescent Crown’s values personified in the Perfect 6 Pack.  We balance profitability with the needs of the planet, our workforce, and the communities in which we operate.

We have been working to reduce our impact on the environment since our inception through consolidating deliveries, efficiency measures and more recently recycling and the use of renewable energy. In fact, we were among the first beverage distributors to invest in solar. Today our Arizona operations are 90% solar-powered from investments that began in 2011.

We are committed to continuously enhancing our efficiency with sustainable investments as we strive as a team to be the best distributor in the market.  Recently we began to measure our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) throughout our operations.

The Employee

Being sustainable supports the concerns of our people, who bring the program to life through efficient deliveries, recycling and constant improvements and care for each other.

Focus on the Customer/Make Service an Advantage for Us

At Crescent Crown, we are not only reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, but we are also reducing the carbon footprint of the products we deliver through our investments in LED and solar power.

Tools and Technology

It’s not just the investment that we make in the up-to-date technology but the training in the people to use the warehouse, fleet and routing technology that ensures the most efficient route to market and, therefore, the smallest environmental impact on the lifecycle of a product.

Efficiency in All We Do

We invest in the most efficient solutions and provide training to ensure products are delivered in the most efficient and timely manner to retail, reducing miles on the road, fuel consumed and greenhouse gas emissions. We ensure that no energy is wasted using renewable energy and consolidating deliveries while ensuring every bottle, can and package is maintained in temperature-controlled warehouses and trucks for freshness and quality.

Maximize the Power of the Portfolio

With a portfolio of hundreds of suppliers and thousands of brands and the most sophisticated routing and warehouse technology, we ensure that the least amount of energy is consumed to consolidate the widest variety of products to retail; this saves thousands of gallons of fuel and a significant amount of greenhouse gas which we are now measuring and aim to improve continuously.

Have Fun & Celebrate

Fun — it’s what it is all about. Of course, it’s a bit different for each of us, but being outside and connecting with others is often part of it. Golf, the playground with the kids, fetch with the dog, hiking, fishing, playing or watching a game — football or soccer, and barbecues with friends and family. Caring for each other and our planet makes for more fun for tomorrow.

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